Customer transactions, whether in the form of inquiries or sales, are considered the lifeblood of any retail store. The sales that can be generated by the store will keep the business afloat and supports the employees and other individuals working for the company. So the main challenge for retail store owners is to ensure that all customer transactions are captured and recorded anywhere, anytime. To make this happen, one has to look at available payment terminals including Point of Sale (POS) systems as resources to accommodate customer transactions. Of the many retail store electronic resources, a great addition inside any retail environment is a mobile payment terminal. 

Allow customers to pay anywhere 

Mobile payment terminals are wireless terminals that allow retailers to complete customer transactions at different points. Instead of allowing the customers to line up at a certain area to complete the sale in traditional cash register locations, customers are given the opportunity to complete the checkout in a retail store section, near the fitting room or simply anywhere within the store. 

Mobile payment terminals including PAX-S90 3G GPRS EMV NFC are often connected to a GPRS network to facilitate the transfer of customer information like credit card information or Loyalty Program or discount information. As long as there’s wireless network within the area, transactions can be completed. Also, mobile payment terminals are often fitted with built-in battery to ensure its operations anywhere, for a long period of time. These terminals can work not just inside a traditional retail environment but can be used outside a brick-and-mortar store, in conventions, in the sidewalks and even inside a moving vehicle. 

Mobile payment terminals work in a variety of retail environments

Mobile payment terminals can work for different businesses including restaurants, department stores and bars. This technology can particularly work well in a restaurant setting often filled with customers and diners waiting for their turn to get seated. Instead of processing customer orders and payments on a few payment terminals, the use of mobile payment terminals allow customers to pay for dinner at their tables, outside the restaurant or while waiting to be seated. Mobile payment terminals can also work inside department stores allowing customers to pay for items outside of the traditional cash register positions. 

Customers are now looking for convenience and self-service options inside a retail environment for improved retail experience. Gone are the days when retailers rely on traditional payment terminals, now is the best time to explore flexible and highly mobile payment solutions for the busy customers.